On Friday, September 20, the Vilnius Regional Court found Vilnius resident and Lithuanian lawyer Mantas Danielius guilty of espionage for the KGB, targeting the Belarusian human rights organization “Our House” in exile in Lithuania. He was sentenced to nine years in prison. The verdict is not final and can still be appealed to the Lithuanian Court of Appeal.

The prosecution had requested an 11-year prison sentence. According to the Lithuanian Penal Code, anyone who, while acting on behalf of a foreign state, its organization, or its representative, steals, buys, or otherwise collects or transmits information constituting a state or official secret of the Republic of Lithuania, or other information of interest to foreign intelligence, is punishable by imprisonment for a term of six to fifteen years.

It should be noted that Mantas Danielius initially joined the Belarusian human rights organization “Our House” to assist in the legalization of Belarusian conscientious objectors and refugees. However, during his involvement, he collected and passed information about the organization’s activities to the KGB.

Mantas Danielius was arrested by Lithuanian police in October 2022 while attempting to flee to Belarus. Since then, he has been charged with espionage for the KGB and has remained in custody throughout the trial.