Thousands of young Belarusians are unaware that they are already under the tight control of the Belarusian military system. It knows their names, addresses, phone numbers, parents, weaknesses, and fears. It waits for them to grow up—then it comes for them.
Control over Belarusian young men has been in place for a long time, but in April 2024, Law No. 363-Z finally transformed the country into a military machine. The powers of military commissariats, the KGB, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs were expanded, and their databases were merged. Now, every male from the age of 17 is marked as a “potential conscript.”
Imagine being a young Belarusian.
You’re just a 17-year-old guy. You study, make plans, dream. You think you have a future. But your name is already highlighted in red in the system. You are now subject to military registration.
They know everything about you:
📌 Your address and date of birth.
📌 Your passport number.
📌 Where you study.
📌 Who your parents are.
📌 Your medical history.
📌 Your academic performance, hobbies, and sports achievements.
You have become part of a vast database. From this moment, you are no longer a free person but a military resource.
How does the state collect data on young Belarusians?
1️. Military databases
📌 From the age of 17, every young man is automatically placed in the military registry.
📌 Military commissariats collect medical records, parental contact information, and academic records.
📌 Universities and schools are obligated to transfer student data to military authorities.
2️. Control via mobile operators
📌 All mobile operators hand over the phone numbers of conscripts to the military commissariats.
📌 Call-up notices are now sent via SMS, and failing to appear is a criminal offense.
📌 If you change your number and don’t report it—you face a fine or arrest.
📌 The military can request call logs to track your location.
3️. Tracking via banks, border control, and law enforcement
📌 Your bank account is linked to your passport, making transactions trackable.
📌 Data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Border Service allows authorities to immediately detect any attempt to leave the country.
📌 The border control system logs all your trips—even short shopping visits abroad.
4️. University and school – not a safe haven, but a tool of control
📌 Educational institutions send enrollment and expulsion data to the military commissariat.
📌 If you skip classes, you may be expelled—and the military will be notified immediately.
📌 University administrators share students’ phone numbers so that military officials can contact them directly.
5️. Document blockades: Without a certificate from the military, you can do nothing
Without a military registration document, you cannot:
❌ Obtain a new passport.
❌ Get a driver’s license.
❌ Register for a job.
❌ In some cases—enroll in a university.
6️. Special services will find you anyway
📌 The Ministry of Internal Affairs and KGB can wiretap calls and monitor messages in his messengers.
📌 They hack social media accounts to search for proof of draft evasion.
📌 They use surveillance cameras to track “dodgers.”
📌 They pressure parents and relatives, threatening them with fines or criminal charges.
7️. Belarusian border control: Escape is becoming impossible
📌 Border guards instantly see that you are subject to conscription.
📌 If you have not undergone military registration, you may be turned back at the border.
📌 In some cases, your data is transferred to border control, and even with a visa, you won’t be allowed to leave the country.
🔴 Even if you are sick—they still need you
In the past, medical exemptions were an escape route. Not anymore. Draft boards have become stricter. Medical records can be “adjusted” if there aren’t enough conscripts.
What awaits young Belarusians in the army?
The Belarusian army is not just wasted years. It is a system of suppression, where:
⚠️ Officers turn soldiers into free labor—they build dachas, wash cars, dig land, and are forced to collect signatures for pro-regime candidates.
⚠️ Hazing and humiliation are the norm. Soldiers are beaten for “wrong” answers or for speaking Belarusian.
⚠️ Psychological terror: constant humiliation, threats, deprivation of sleep and food.
Conclusion: Belarusian men — hostages of the military machine
The Lukashenko regime has created a system where a man is not a citizen but a military resource.
💀 They know where you are.
💀 They know when you change your phone number.
💀 They track your movements.
💀 They won’t let you leave.
And the worst part? The world stays silent.
🛑 Europe accepts war refugees, but does not recognize Belarusians fleeing conscription.
🛑 As long as draft evaders are sent back to Belarus, the military machine will keep running.
And while you are reading this, some young Belarusian’s phone is already vibrating.
📲 “You must report to the military commissariat. Failure to appear is a criminal offense.”