Berlin’s domestic intelligence agency („Verfassungsschutz Berlin“) is watching one of the few organizations from the German peace movement that has been opposing Russia’s criminal war of aggression since the beginning of the Russian invasion....
At the 53rd Regular Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Conscience and Peace Tax International (CPTI) delivered an oral statement during the Interactive Dialogue with Special Rapporteur on Belarus on July 5,...
The Russian President’s Decree No. 647 of 21.09.2022 “On declaring partial mobilisation in the Russian Federation” effectively deprived servicemen of the possibility to leave military service of their own will while mobilised or under...
On September 21, 2022, Vladimir Putin made a statement that partial mobilization of population had been announced in Russia. Formally, Belarus has not joined the war against Ukraine, though providing the territory to Russian...
PETITION We kindly request your assistance in sending a letter of support to Ivan Strashkevich, a conscientious objector from Belarus. Currently, Ivan is facing the prospect of a long prison sentence in Belarus for...
Belarusian Ivan Strashkevich served as a border guard in Belarus, but witnessing the brutality of the Lukashenko regime during the suppression of peaceful protests in 2020, he refused to continue his service and left...
On June 28, 2023, a Lithuanian court ruled in favor of Belarusian Vitali Dvarashin, granting him the right to live outside the refugee camp. It should be noted that Vitali Dvarashin, as a conscientious...
Report protest action in Ghent on Tuesday 27 June against the expulsion by Lithuania of a Belarusian peace activist and against the persecution of conscientious objectors in Belarus. On June 27, a group of...
Vitaliy Dvarashin has been working as a long-haul truck driver in Lithuania since 2012. In March 2022, he permanently relocated to Lithuania due to concerns about conscription into the army and involvement in the...
On June 23, 2023, the European Bureau for Conscientious Objection and the War Resisters’ International (WRI), an international anti-war organization founded in 1921 with headquarters in London and branches in over thirty countries, issued...
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