activists succeeded in getting permission to record on video personal receptions/meetings by the members of the Belarusian Parliament
Unfortunately, during personal receptions/meetings, activists of Our House and state bodies sometimes have conflict situations or even provocations from the state side. Officials sometimes accuse activists of inappropriate behaviour (offensive language, etc.) without any proofs. But this is fraught with unpleasant consequences for our activists, up to compiling reports by the police or arrest for 15 days.

©Voinich Andrus
The most effective way to protect an activist in such situations is to record his/her visit to an official or an MP on video, from start to finish.
Ms. Rineyskaya, the MP from Bobruisk, protested especially strongly against video recording of her receptions/meetings of citizens and forbade an activist of Our House to record his conversation with her on video.
Our House activists turned to the Chairman of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Vladimir Andreichenko with a proposal to hold an explanatory conversation with the member of the House of Representatives Rineyskaya on the use of technical media (photos and videos) during receptions of citizens.
Upon studying all the documents, Mr. Andreichenko concluded that activists can film themselves and their visits to MPs, which is absolutely legal. In other words, Our House can video-record all its visits to MPs.
Congratulations “Our House” for the success!