A coalition of Western countries has unleashed a hot conflict near our territory. Attempts are being made on their part to drag our country into the war. In these difficult conditions, our country is doing everything to preserve peace on the Belarusian land,” Belarusian military officials say. And what are they doing?

 July 2, 2024Alexander Lukashenko, during a meeting with the Chairman of the Russian State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, stated that the West seeks to drag Belarus into a military conflict. He noted that the goal of Western countries is to provoke escalation at the border, weaken Belarus’s resistance, and bring the situation to a point where the whole world will shudder. According to him, the situation is extremely serious, and the country cannot afford to relax.

The Deputy Commander of Special Operations Forces for Ideological Work, Colonel Vadim Lukashevich, stated that the situation on the Belarusian-Ukrainian border is characterized by increasing tension. “A coalition of Western countries has unleashed a hot conflict near our territory. They are making attempts to drag our country into war. Under these difficult circumstances, our country is doing everything possible to maintain peace on Belarusian soil,” he said.

The Chief of the General Staff of the Belarusian Armed Forces and First Deputy Minister of Defense, Pavel Muraveiko, announced that the Belarusian army has undergone training for the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons and is prepared to use them in the event of a threat to the sovereignty and independence of the country. He emphasized that the return of this weaponry to the territory of Belarus is an important deterrent factor. “We are trained and confident in our capabilities, and if there is a threat to our sovereignty and independence, rest assured, we will use this weapon,” stated Muraveiko.


July 2, 2024, at a meeting dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic, Alexander Lukashenko stated that Belarusian military forces are intercepting drones heading to Russia carrying explosives intended for terrorist attacks. “I want to state clearly: we will defend and protect ourselves against these drones, regardless of their intended destination. We do not want a repeat of these ‘Crocuses,’ explosions, and so on,” Lukashenko declared. Belarusian border guards have been put on heightened alert to protect the state border. Additionally, the border is also being guarded by the military, with special operations forces deployed, he added.

Lukashenko also reported that the Belarusian and Russian Air Forces and Air Defense Forces have been placed on high combat readiness, and Polonez and Iskander missile systems have been deployed to positions.


July 3, 2024, during a meeting of the Council of Defense Ministers of the CIS Member States in Minsk, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Andrey Belousov, stated: “Against the backdrop of global instability and increased tension along the external borders of the Commonwealth, we attach particular importance to improving mechanisms for jointly countering both new and traditional challenges and threats. This is one of our priorities.” The head of the Russian military department noted that in JuneRussian President Vladimir Putin emphasized the need to form an architecture of equal and indivisible security in Eurasia, along with mutually beneficial, equitable cooperation, and development: “This is about a future security system that encompasses all spheres of activity and is open to all Eurasian countries without exception. The multilateral international organizations created in Eurasia, such as the Union StateCSTOEurasian Economic UnionCIS, and SCO, play an important role in this. We focus on increasing the activity and authority of these integration structures and establishing dialogue between them in the field of security.


July 3, 2024, during a meeting of the Council of Defense Ministers of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Member States, the heads of the defense delegations reviewed and approved issues related to the development of multilateral military cooperation within the CIS format, including:

  • Matters concerning joint military-scientific activities, modern approaches, and the practical experience of defense departments in fulfilling their tasks;
  • Approved the Plan of Joint Activities for 2025;
  • Additionally, by decision of the CIS Defense Ministers Council (SMO CIS)members, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Andrey Belousov, was elected as the Chairman of the SMO CIS.


July 5, 2024, a briefing was held by Major General Vladimir Kupriyanuk, the Head of the Main Directorate and Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, during which he discussed the evolving situation around Belarus under the influence of negative factors caused by the West’s aggressive foreign policytowards the Union State of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation.



Major General Vladimir Kupriyanuk provided an assessment of the likelihood of the preparation and execution of armed provocations on the territory of Belarus: “The presence of special forces units in close proximity to our border is nothing more than one of the stages of early preparation for the potential deployment of sabotage groups onto our territory. We view the presence of artillery and armored vehicles as a possible component of combat support for their actions. Overall, in the context of increasing the presence of special forces units, mercenaries, and various volunteer formations in the border areas, there remains a high probability of preparing and conducting armed provocations, as well as high-profile actions, on our territory.”


On July 5, 2024, Major General Vladimir Kupriyanuk provided a briefing on the evolving situation around Belarus, particularly along the southern border, and discussed the measures being taken by the Armed Forces of Belarus to protect the southern frontiers:

  • Regular joint trainingof various forces and assets is conducted to respond to potential provocations and incidents.
  • Air defense forceshave been strengthened to protect important state and military facilities, and additional electronic warfare units have been deployed.
  • For the purpose of monitoring the situation, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)ground surveillanceand control systems, and other assets are being widely utilized.


 On July 8, 2024, on the Day of Air Defense Missile Troops, Colonel Andrei Severinchik, Chief of the Air Defense Missile Troops Command of the Air Force and Air Defense of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, made the following statement:

Today, we have in service S-300, S-400, Tor-M2, and Buk air defense missile systems. Currently, these are among the most advanced for destroying airborne threats at any altitude. In the near future, the Buk-MB missile systems will be delivered to our troops.

Personnel training for the air defense missile troops is conducted both in the Republic of Belarus and in the Russian Federation. We perform live fire exercises at Russian ranges, including AshulukTelemba, and Kapustin Yar.

The modern experience of conducting air operations significantly influences the development of our troops. The systems are equipped with counter-drone systems. There is ongoing coordination with electronic warfare units and the integration of new electronic warfare systems to provide direct protection for both the missile systems and the sites they cover against unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).”


On the eve of Air Defense Missile Troops Day, a press tour for Belarusian journalists was held, during which Colonel Vasily Kostezh, Commander of the Air Defense Missile Regiment, stated:

Today, the situation on our southern borders is unsettled and tense, and the regiment’s personnel are performing combat duty tasks for the airspace protection of the Republic of Belarus in an enhanced mode. The transition of the division to ‘readiness level one’ is carried out, you could say, on a daily basis. The personnel are performing air defense combat duties 24/7, constantly remaining at their positions.”


On July 8, 2024, the joint anti-terrorism exercise “Attacking Falcon” between Belarus and China was officially launched at the Brestsky Training Ground. From July 8 to 20, military personnel from both countries will conduct drills focusing on night-time parachuting, overcoming water obstacles, and urban combat operations.

Major General Vadim Denisенко, Commander of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces, commented:

The global situation is complex and the environment is challenging. Therefore, by studying new forms and methods of tactical operations, we will practice all these aspects during the exercises. Considering all the new techniques developed over the past years, we will implement and observe how the joint unit operates.

At certain stages, the units will be combined; there will be no separate Chinese or Belarusian units – they will operate together.”















On July 10, 2024, military training is taking place at the 120th Separate Guards Mechanized Brigade.

Reservists will undergo a 25-day training course focusing on military accounting specialties for motorized riflereconnaissance units, and communication units.


From July 11 to July 13, 2024, a Chinese military delegation from the People’s Liberation Army’s Joint Logistics Support Force is visiting Minsk.

On July 12, 2024, discussions were held on bilateral cooperation in the field of logistical support for the armed forces of Belarus and China, focusing on prospects and new directions for collaboration.


On July 13, 2024, during a meeting at the 56th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment concerning national military security on the southern operational direction, Alexander Lukashenko announced the de-escalation of tensions at the border with Ukraine:

After our certain measures, the Ukrainians have withdrawn their armed forces and additional troops, which they had deployed to our border, and completely removed them from the Belarusian-Ukrainian border zone.”

In response, Lukashenko instructed the withdrawal of troops from the southern borders to their permanent deployment locations:

There should be no unnecessary activities.”

However, he cautioned about the need to remain prepared for potential threats from the western direction:

And the time elapsed since I mentioned this confirms that we must not overlook the situation from the west. There is activity there. Therefore, the northwestern direction—our troops there must be ready for anything. They are provoking us to draw us into these conflicts, into this war. We must not allow this.”








On July 13, 2024, following a meeting, Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin stated:

The President has instructed to withdraw the troop grouping reinforcing the southern operational direction, primarily consisting of special operations forces, from the border area and return them to their permanent deployment locations.

We will immediately begin implementing this task. Only minimal standby forces and assets will remain for monitoring the situation on the southern border. This is the main outcome of today’s meeting.”


On July 13, 2024Chairman of the State Border Committee Konstantin Molostov stated following a meeting:

Border guards will continue to serve on the southern borders in an enhanced mode. From the perspective of safeguarding the state border of Belarus, the situation on the southern front remains challenging, as combat operations are ongoing on the neighboring side—in Ukraine. The primary task of the border guards is to ensure the security and protection of the state border, and to maintain the calm and safety of our citizens.”


On July 16, 2024, at the ceremony honoring graduates from military academies and senior officers, President Alexander Lukashenko stated:

Belarusians do not desire war, but we are prepared to give a decisive and firm response to any provocation. Belarus will continue to develop and strengthen its Armed Forces, taking into account combat experience, and will resolutely defend its borders in the event of aggression.”

Lukashenko emphasized the importance of training dedicated, highly professional officers, noting that even the most advanced equipment is merely metal without skilled personnel.

We will only fight when a foreign boot steps on our land. We aim to resolve relations with our neighbors diplomatically, including with Poland and Lithuania, but we do not see reciprocation at this time. Therefore, we must remain vigilant and prepared for defense in the northwestern and western directions,” added Lukashenko.


On August 5, 2024, servicemen from one of the anti-aircraft defense military units carried out the loading of equipment onto railway trains. The unit’s personnel will participate in a live-fire exercise on the territory of Russia. Comment from the Deputy Commander of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces, Colonel Mikhail Matrosov:

“Throughout August, according to the training plan of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces, an operational-tactical exercise with combat firing will be conducted on the territory of the Russian Federation. The planned activities aim to enhance the coordination of units and to practice new tactical techniques and methods of both anti-aircraft and air combat. A total of about 4,000 servicemen and 150 units of equipment will participate in the exercise. Currently, the loading of certain units onto military trains for departure to the Russian Federation is underway.”


On August 10, 2024Lukashenko, during a conversation with residents of the agrogorodok Gorodishche in the Shklov District, noted that he must leave a peaceful country to his successor. “When I leave, I will live somewhere in a village nearby, and you will remember and thank me that things did not get worse. My main task is to prevent conflict in the country. To ensure that this disease does not spread to us. We need to protect Belarus from war and calmly deal with our problems.”


On August 10, 2024, it was revealed that on the Ukrainian-Belarusian border, along the line of contact, there is a very dense Belarusian grouping of air defense troops, including BukTorStrela, and other systems.


On August 10, 2024, Belarusian military forces shot down several Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) over Belarus.



 On August 10, 2024Lieutenant General Viktor Khrenin, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Belarus, during a briefing for media representatives regarding the violation of Belarusian airspace, stated the following:

“On August 9, the air defense forces detected unidentified aerial objects moving from the territory of Ukraine towards the Republic of Belarus. In order to promptly prevent a possible breach of the state border in the airspace of the Republic of Belarus, the designated forces and assets were put on alert level No. 1 within the established timeframe.

After crossing the state border, the aerial targets were classified as unmanned aerial vehicles, and an order was given to destroy them. As a result of our combat crews’ actions, some of the aerial vehicles were destroyed.

The remaining ones, located outside the range of air defense systems, were monitored by the radio-technical troops’ duty forces and handed over to the Russian side for escort.

We regard this as a provocation against the Republic of Belarus.

Given the situation in Ukraine and in the Kursk region of Russia, Lukashenko has given instructions to strengthen the troop groupings in the Gomel and Mozyr tactical areas to respond to any possible provocations.”


From August 11, 2024 to August 12, 2024, servicemen from units of one of the mechanized brigades are loading military equipment onto railway transport and preparing to begin a combined march to the Gomel and Mozyr districts.


Units of one of the mechanized brigades have been put on alert to carry out their designated tasks. The servicemen are marching to the assigned areas using a combined method.


On August 11, 2024Viktor Khrenin, the Minister of Defense of Belarus, at the 10th International Military-Technical Forum “Army-2024” in Kubinka, stated Belarus’s readiness to cooperate with all interested states, especially given the complex military-political situation and global instability. According to him, the forum provides an opportunity to strengthen relationships with partners and allies, as well as to demonstrate Belarus’s defense capabilities. Khrenin emphasized that the military equipment presented at the exhibition confirms Belarus’s status as a significant producer in the field of defense and security.

The Minister expressed confidence that the forum will contribute to the development of international military and military-technical cooperation, the exchange of experience, and the maintenance of dialogue aimed at peace and stability.



On August 12, 2024, Belarusian enterprises and defense industry organizations are participating in the “Army-2024”forum.


At the forumKhrenin was shown military equipment that has been used during the war against Ukraine. “For us, it is very important today to see, touch with our own hands, communicate with the developers, understand the tactics of using the relevant types of weapons, and, of course, to explore prospects in the context of building and developing our Armed Forces,” he noted.

Khrenin believes that the Belarusian Military-Industrial Committee is well represented at the forum. “The Committee, drawing on the experience gained from the special military operation by the Russian Federation, and having its own strong scientific base, has also presented some samples that are of interest to our Armed Forces.”


Minister of Defense of Belarus Viktor Khrenin met with Minister of Defense of Russia Andrey Belousovimmediately after the opening ceremony of the “Army-2024” forum. The defense ministers of the two countries discussed the current military-political situation.


Minister of Defense of Belarus Viktor Khrenin met with Dmitry Shugaev, Director of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation of Russia, at the “Army-2024” military-technical forum. The parties discussed prospects for military-technical cooperation and clarified the timelines for the delivery of military products.


Lieutenant General Viktor Khrenin, the Minister of Defense of Belarus, and the General Director of Rosoboronexport JSC discussed issues related to military-technical cooperation.


On August 12, 2024, in connection with the violation of Belarusian airspace on August 9 by Ukrainian UAVs, the temporary representative of the European Union was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus.

The Belarusian side particularly emphasized the presence of EU country manufacturers’ markings on several components of one of the UAVs shot down by Belarusian air defense forces. They also highlighted that such actions could lead to a radical escalation of the military conflict, which could result in its serious expansion, including into EU countries.


On August 12, 2024, the Ministry of Defense announced that conscripts will be called up to participate in a training assembly for the territorial troops of the Volkovysk District.

Training sessions will be conducted for the conscripts to prepare them for tasks according to their military specialty and to restore the skills of the command staff in managing subordinate units. The assembly will last until August 30.


On August 12, 2024, an official representative of the State Border Committee stated that Belarus is observing increasing risks of diversionary and terrorist activities being transferred to its territory. He noted that this is manifested in active reconnaissance of Belarusian territory and attempts to establish caches with weapons in border areas. In response to these threats, Belarus has strengthened border security by involving not only border guards but also military units.


On August 12, 2024, an official representative of the State Border Committee, Anton Bychkovsky, stated that the situation on the border with Ukraine is completely under control: “Border guards continue to serve on the southern borders in an enhanced mode”.



On August 12, 2024, servicemen from the Air Force and Air Defense Forces are departing for the Russian Federation to participate in a joint operational-tactical exercise with live firing.

During the exercise, which will take place at the Ashuluk training range, the servicemen will enhance unit coordination and practice new tactical techniques and methods for conducting both anti-aircraft and air combat.


On August 12, 2024Lukashenko proposed adding a new article to the Criminal Code concerning responsibility for violence or threats against the President of Belarus after leaving office. Article 366.1 stipulates that violence or threats against the President—whether still in office or no longer serving—will be punishable by restriction of freedom for a term of three to five years or imprisonment for a term of three to eight years.

The cessation of duties, as indicated by the provisions, can be related not only to the end of the term but also to early resignation or inability to hold the position due to health reasons.



On August 13, 2024, the press service of the Ministry of Defense reported that units of the missile troops and artillery of the Armed Forces of Belarus are departing to a training range in Russia.

“During the field exercise, the units will conduct a control session on managing missile strikes with live launches from missile systems and multiple launch rocket systems that are in service with the Armed Forces of Belarus,” the agency stated.



On August 13, 2024, a joint operational-tactical exercise involving units of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces of the Republic of Belarus and the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation was launched.

During the exercise, the servicemen will enhance unit coordination and practice new tactical techniques and methods for conducting anti-aircraft and air combat.











On August 15, 2024Lukashenko gave an interview for the program “Big Sunday News” on Russia TV channel.

According to him, in Belarus, brigades and battalion tactical groups have been designated for actions along the Belarusian-Ukrainian state border. More than 20 such groups are planned. “Each group knows the terrain they occupy, the territory, and so on. This is essential to prevent any breakthrough. That’s why we did it,” Lukashenko specified.

“We do not want escalation, and we do not want a war against NATO as a whole. We do not want that,” he emphasized. “But if they do it and go for it, well, what can we do… We will have no other option. And there will be no ‘red lines.’ The line exists, it is the state border. As soon as it is crossed (speaking as a border guard), the response will be instantaneous. It is prepared, with orders in the safes, as required.”

“We see where the most serious strike against our alliance might come from,” he also mentioned, and spoke about defensive plans that could be converted into offensive ones if necessary.




On August 16, 2024Lukashenko held a meeting on military security to discuss with the military the situation at the border with Ukraine:

“After the incidents with these drones, we have strengthened control at the Belarusian-Ukrainian border. Moreover, we have deployed parts of our army there. What is the current situation at the border? Are all units deployed to the concentration area in case of unforeseen circumstances? I have received the materials and have the corresponding map. I request a report not only on the current situation but also on the developments, your proposals, and what we will do next.”



On August 16, 2024, during a meeting with Lukashenko on military security issues, the Minister of Defense of Belarus, Lieutenant General Viktor Khrenin, stated the high probability of armed provocations from Ukraine:

“The situation on the southern operational direction remains tense. The formations of the Armed Forces and the Border Guard Service of Ukraine continue to improve the border guard system and elements of echeloned defense. Along all sections of the state border of the Republic of Belarus, active activities of special operations forces units and the Security Service of Ukraine are being observed,” noted Khrenin.

He also stated that continuous reconnaissance is being conducted from the Ukrainian side, with the active use of unmanned aerial vehicles, including attempts to violate the airspace of Belarus:

“Given the presence of Ukrainian armed formations in the border areas, there remains a high probability of preparation and conduct of armed provocations on our territory, as well as high-profile actions, including those involving Belarusian nationalist formations,” stated the head of the military department.



On August 16, 2024, the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces and First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Republic of Belarus, Major General Pavel Muraveiko, stated to journalists: “The composition of forces and means deployed to the border is greater than what was created previously. It ensures adequate counteraction to any attacks and provocations.”

According to him, the military presence is larger than it was about a month ago, when Belarus, in response to actions from the neighboring Ukrainian side, also strengthened its grouping of troops in the southern direction:

“The large-scale provocative action carried out by the Ukrainian armed forces on the territory of the Russian Federation in the Kursk region forced us to reconsider the composition of forces and means that we are deploying to ensure our security. We have increased the air defense grouping. The facts of unmanned aerial vehicles entering our airspace have become more frequent. We have created the necessary conditions for the deployment of groupings with heavy equipment; we are adequately prepared to respond to such provocations as those that took place in Kursk (Kursk region). We control our state border, have increased intelligence forces and means, and are creating certain reserves and capabilities for the establishment and deployment of groupings.”


On August 17, 2024, the Ministry of Defense of Belarus posted an announcement on its Telegram channel about recruitment for military service under contract.



On August 18, 2024, the Commander of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces, Major General Andrey Lukyanovich, stated:

“Our pilots carry out all tasks with honor. First and foremost, this is combat duty in air defense within a unified regional system. Together with the pilots of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation, we carry out these tasks and guard the state border in the airspace. This year, we conducted joint flight-tactical exercises with the crews of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation, where we adopted combat experience from our Russian colleagues. Currently, the second phase of the operational-tactical exercise with live firing is underway. The work of our crews is also planned, including combat use of air-to-air missiles against aerial targets, where not only experienced pilots but also young ones will practice elements.”

“In the fall, we have an important combat training event ahead — a computer-based command and staff exercise within the framework of a unified regional system.”



On August 18, 2024Lukashenko congratulated the personnel and veterans of the Air Force on their professional holiday:

“Military aviation is always a matter of particular complexity and risk, as well as the highest skill, unyielding character, and courage. It was like this during the war years, and it happens in our days when pilots perform heroic deeds in extreme situations, saving people’s lives. Constantly improving, the Belarusian Air Force effectively counters them. You carry out your combat duty daily, mastering new equipment and safeguarding the peaceful sky over our country, ensuring the security, peace, and tranquility of Belarusians.”



On August 19, 2024, a tactical-special exercise titled “Voenkor-2024” will begin, involving representatives of the mass media. It will be held at one of the military units of the Special Operations Forces.

Twenty-five journalists will undergo intensive training focused primarily on developing skills for working in a conflict zone. The training over the next few days will cover firearms trainingcommunication and radio operationshand-to-hand combat and self-defensebasics of military topography, as well as engineeringmedical, and psychological training.

“The main thing here is to overcome yourself and master the skills that will help you conduct informational activities in combat conditions,” Major General Leonid Kasinsky advised the journalists.









From August 20, 2024, to September 13, 2024, under the leadership of the Chairman of the Slutsk District Executive Committee, a training assembly with reservists of the territorial troops is being conducted.

The purpose of the assembly is to enhance the skills of officials from the District Executive Committee in forming military units of the territorial troops, and to improve the reservists’ ability to carry out their assigned tasks.

The following activities are planned during the assembly:

  • Reception of reservists from the territorial troops and their comprehensive support using the resources of the local mobilization deployment base;
  • Restoration of the command staff’s skills in managing subordinates;
  • Preparation of reservists for the execution of tasks according to their military registration specialtiesand official assignments.




On August 20, 2024, a Belarusian military delegation is on a visit to China. During the visit, a working meeting was held between representatives of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus and the People’s Liberation Army of China to exchange experiences in activities related to maintaining international peace and security.

The parties discussed the procedures for the selection, training, and deployment of military personnel and units for participation in UN peacekeeping operations and the prospects for developing cooperation in this area.

The Belarusian military delegation also visited the Peacekeeping Affairs Center of the Ministry of Defense of the People’s Republic of China.



On August 22, 2024, the Minister of Defense of BelarusLieutenant General Viktor Khrenin, arrived at the Ashuluk training ground at the 185th Combat Training and Combat Application Center of the Aerospace Forces to observe the next stage of the operational-tactical exercise with live-fire, involving units and military formations of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces of the Republic of Belarus.



On August 22, 2024, the State Secretary of the Security Council of the Republic of BelarusLieutenant General Alexander Volfovich, visited the border areas where Belarusian army units are carrying out tasks to strengthen the State Border on the southern frontiers.


On August 22, 2024, during a press briefing, the head of the Ministry of Defense highlighted the significance of the operational-tactical exercise with live firing for the Air Force and Air Defense Forces in the context of gaining modern combat experience:

“Live firing exercises are of immense importance. They are not only to verify the capabilities of our equipment but also to gain combat experience from our Russian colleagues. The recent incident with drones crossing our territory demonstrated that our units, as part of the combat training organized with the anti-aircraft missile forces, are ready to perform combat tasks. We detected all these drones as they approached, and once they entered the engagement zone, they were destroyed.”

“Exercises are always the pinnacle of training for any type of troops — an opportunity to showcase your readiness and to test the capabilities of your equipment, to truly experience that equipment. Today, we tested for the first time the capabilities of the Tor-M2K anti-aircraft missile system, with units performing live firings while on the move. The firings were successful. Additionally, for the first time, pilots flying Su-30SM aircraft conducted launches of short- and medium-range missiles. Both experienced and young pilots carried out the launches. All firings were directed at very challenging low-speed and small-sized targets — these are difficult for both the missile systems and the aerial weapons”.


On August 22, 2024, during the award ceremony for participants in the operational-tactical exercise with live firing, the Minister of Defense of Belarus stated:

“We have a unique opportunity to learn not in a combat environment, but to gain combat experience from our colleagues. Our task, in the truest sense, is to ensure a peaceful sky over our homeland, the Republic of Belarus.”


On August 22, 2024, the Belarusian military delegation, led by the Chief of Communications of the Armed Forces and Head of the Communications Department of the General Staff, Colonel Vadim Romaniv, is on a working visit to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

During the visit, the head of the Belarusian delegation held a meeting with Senior Colonel Vu Viet Hoang, the Chief of Communications of the Vietnam People’s Army. The sides exchanged views on the organization of communications and the achievements of Belarusian and Vietnamese military industries in the production of modern communication systems and complexes. They also discussed directions for further cooperation in the field of military communications.

As part of the visit, the Belarusian representatives visited the Center for High Information Technologies of the Communications Troops of the Vietnam People’s Army and familiarized themselves with the Center’s capabilities for scientific research and experimental design activities related to the production of Vietnamese communication systems and complexes.


August 22, 2024 — General-Lieutenant Alexander Wolfovich, the State Secretary of the Security Council of Belarus, visited the border areas where units of the Armed Forces are tasked with strengthening the state border of Belarus on the southern frontiers and spoke with the servicemen:

“Our reconnaissance assets can see all the groupings created on the territory of the neighboring state. We are aware of their intentions, but we are prepared to respond adequately if necessary. In performing tasks in these areas, special attention is given to studying the experience of the special military operation in Ukraine, including the tactics and methods used by both Ukrainian and Russian servicemen.”

“Our groupings are equipped with the most modern means of electronic warfare and counter-drone systems. Tasks are also set with regard to counter-diversionary actions. We hope that there will be no provocative actions from our neighbor. Our country is focused on peace and good-neighborly relations.”

“We are prepared to work and cooperate with our neighbors both in the west and in the south, solely on a friendly basis, based on peaceful and good-neighborly goals that will contribute to improving the well-being of our citizens and those of neighboring countries.”


August 23, 2024 — Yuri Shevchuk, a participant in the tactical-special exercise with media representatives “Voenkor-2024”, commented on his participation:

“…it was necessary to forge our character in case of unforeseen situations. Of course, God forbid that the skills we’ve acquired here will ever be needed. But just in case, I think these competencies should be in place. The times are tough now, as we all know well.”

Vitalina Petrusevich, another participant in the tactical-special exercise “Voenkor-2024”, made the following comment:

“I always listen very attentively to our President Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko. He has repeatedly said: ‘If you want peace, prepare for war.’ And this is something not only the military should do, but also civilians, including journalists.”



 August 23, 2024 — Participants of the operational-tactical exercise, which took place at the Ashuluk range, arrived at Machulishchi airfield.


August 26, 2024 to September 6, 2024 — The second stage of the comprehensive inspection of the territorial defense authorities of the Gomel Region will be conducted under the leadership of the Chief of the Territorial Defense Department — Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.

The goal of the inspection is to assess the preparedness of the regional territorial defense, as well as to determine the effectiveness of the work of officials from the district executive committees and military commissariats in the Gomel Region regarding the formation of territorial troops and the application of territorial defense forces.


August 25, 2024 — According to reports from Ukraine, Belarus has deployed troops, tanks, and artillery to the Gomel Region near the border with Ukraine. The deployment includes multiple rocket launchers (MRLS) and air defense systems in the Gomel Region close to the northern borders of Ukraine.

Additionally, mercenaries from the Wagner Group have been observed on Belarusian territory along the Belarusian-Ukrainian border. The number of Belarusian soldiers currently concentrated at the border is estimated to be just over 1,000 personnel.

The current potential scenario suggests that Belarusian forces might conduct limited strikes and possibly occupy a small part of Ukrainian territory. This would require Kyiv to redeploy troops from other fronts, potentially weakening the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF).


August 26, 2024 — Another batch of units from the Rocket Forces and Artillery of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus is departing for a training ground in the Russian Federation to focus on combat application practices.



August 27, 2024 — Lukashenko has signed decrees resulting in personnel changes within the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus:

  • Major General Vladimir Belyhas been appointed as the Chief of the Main Combat Training Department of the Armed Forces.
  • Major General Vadim Surov, previously the Chief of the 72nd Guards Combined Training Center for NCOs and Junior Specialists, has been appointed as the Commander of the Western Operational Commandof the Armed Forces.
  • Colonel Alexander Ageichikhas been appointed as the new Chief of the 72nd Combined Training Center.



August 29, 2024 — Military units of the Armed Forces continue to carry out tasks to strengthen the state border on the southern frontiers of the country.

In one of the areas, a specialized medical detachment has been deployed. The military doctors of the 432nd Main Military Clinical Medical Center of the Armed Forces are prepared to provide qualified assistance to troops at any moment if needed.

The personnel of the Specialized Medical Detachment (MOSN) have extensive experience and have participated in international humanitarian missions, including in Syria and Lebanon.




August 29, 2024 — General-Colonel Andrey Serdyukov, Hero of the Russian Federation and Chief of the Joint Staff of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), conducted a briefing via video conference with representatives of the press services and accredited media of CSTO member states.

The topic of the briefing was the readiness of the management bodies and formations of the CSTO collective security system for conducting joint exercises.


August 29, 2024 — While listening to a report on current issues in information policy, Lukashenko stated: “There have been and will be no orders to fight beyond Belarusian borders. We will only fight when they come to us with bad intentions. That’s all.”


August 29, 2024 — Minister of Defense of the Republic of Belarus, General-Lieutenant Viktor Khrenin, held a meeting with His Excellency Mr. Xie Xiaoyun, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to Belarus, on the occasion of the conclusion of his diplomatic mission in the country.

During the meeting, the Minister of Defense of Belarus expressed gratitude to Mr. Xie Xiaoyun for his significant contribution to the development of bilateral relations. He emphasized the importance of further strengthening the bilateral relationship between Belarus and China, which is characterized by an all-weather and comprehensive strategic partnership. Additionally, Minister Khrenin highlighted the promising prospects for military cooperation between the two countries.


August 30, 2024 — The 38th Brest Separate Guards Airborne Assault Brigade is conducting a methodological assembly with platoon commanders.

Special attention is being given to integrating experience from the Special Military Operation (SMO) into the combat training process. Key areas of focus include:

  • Assaulting enemy strongholds
  • Working with various types of drones (BPLA) and countering enemy drones
  • Tactical medicine and providing first aid for various types of injuries.
