Following advice from the EUROPEAN COMMISSION, specifically the DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR MIGRATION AND HOME AFFAIRS, Olga Karach, as a representative of the International Center for Civil Initiatives “Our House”, has submitted an official letter to the Lithuanian National Ombudsman concerning the discrimination of Belarusians in Lithuania. She has also sent the Ombudsman a report from “Our House” detailing the discrimination faced by Belarusians in Lithuania.

DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR MIGRATION AND HOME AFFAIRS of the European Commission also reported that Lithuania had already undergone a review and sent Lithuania’s report, which it had prepared on migrant rights compliance. The report can be read here:

The European Commission assured the partners of “Our House” who had approached the Commission with facts of illegal deportations to Belarus of those refusing on grounds of conscience that

“a fair, humane, and transparent return system is central to President von der Leyen’s priorities, and the Commission will continue to monitor the implementation of return legislation in Lithuania to ensure full compliance with fundamental rights.”

“Our House” informed its partners that it is committed to providing timely and complete information about all violations of the principle of non-refoulement to Belarus by Lithuania.

For your information: The principle of non-refoulement is enshrined in various international documents, such as the 1951 Refugee Convention and the 1984 Convention Against Torture. Specifically, Article 33 of the Refugee Convention explicitly prohibits the expulsion or return of refugees to places where they may face threats, i.e., to Belarus.