The Belarusian embassy will be picketed in the capital of Germany with the demand to ensure the right of Belarusian men not to join the army.

Refusing military service is not a crime but a fundamental human right that should be protected and respected worldwide. Conscientious objectors should be granted political asylum if they flee from countries where refusal to serve in the military is criminally punishable.

In the context of global conflicts and wars, where many nations prioritize increasing their military strength and expanding their armies, it is crucial to remind the world of the importance of peaceful solutions and the right to refuse military service.

The Right to Refuse Military Service: International Recognition

In democratic countries, the right to refuse military service is an essential part of civil liberties. In Germany, this right is enshrined in the Constitution (Article 4, Paragraph 3 of the Basic Law). On the international stage, the right to conscientious objection was recognized by the United Nations General Assembly in 1987 as a fundamental human right.

Events in Support of Conscientious Objectors

On September 9 and 10, 2024, demonstrations will take place in Berlin in support of the right to refuse military service and for peace. Organizers are calling on the international community, particularly the governments of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine, to immediately stop persecuting conscientious objectors and deserters and to recognize their legitimate right to refuse participation in military actions.

On September 9, protests will be held at the embassies of Belarus and Russia, and on September 10, at the Ukrainian embassy. Participating in these events is not only a show of support for conscientious objectors and deserters but also a call for peace and the right of men to choose not to fight in any war.

Join the Movement for Peace

The organizers invite everyone to join the protests and support conscientious objectors and deserters who face persecution for exercising their right to refuse military service and participation in war.

Contacts and Additional Information

The initiative is supported by various civil organizations, such as DFG-VK and Connection e.V. For more information, you can contact Lothar Eberhardt or visit the websites of these organizations.