Belarusian propagandist Igor Tur produced a TV show called ‘To be supplemented’ about the harsh sentence of human rights activist Olga Karach in Belarus of 12 years in prison and 170,000 euros in fines for ‘attempted coup d’état to seize state power by unconstitutional means’.

In this TV-show the Belarusian propagandist Igor Tur claims that there are secret negotiations between Lithuania and Belarus in order to extradite Olga Karach to Belarus. The propagandist claims that ‘Lithuania will hand over Olga Karach to Belarus at the latest in early 2026, where the human rights defender will serve her 12-year prison term in full.

The link to the TV programme is here:

Olga Karach addressed an official letter to the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry and the Lithuanian Interior Ministry with a request to confirm or deny this information.

This is not the first time Belarusian propaganda speaks about the activities of Olga Karach or the human rights organisation ‘Our House’.

Belarusian regime propagandists have publicly labeled Olga Karach and other Belarusian women human rights defenders, activists, and journalists in exile as “runaways,” implying a derogatory comparison to “runaway slave-women”.

Propagandist Igor Tur presented a long-running propaganda TV-series called “The Lies of the Runaways” on the state TV channel, and later published a book with the same title “The Lies of the Runaways (slave-women)”, dedicated to activities of Olga Karach and Our House in exile in general.

On November 6, 2021 one more main propagandist of Lukashenka, Hryhory Azaronak, on his page in VKontakte announced in a form of a poem that Olga Karatch was a devil in comparison with the angel Hryhory Azaronak. He showed a photograph where on the face of the human rights defender Olga Karach it had written: ‘I am the devil’.

On August 6, 2022, the main propagandist newspaper of Aliaksandr Lukashenka, Belarus Today, (former Sovetskaya Belorussiya), published an article “The Shooting List”, authored by a notorious propagandist, Andrei Mukavozchyk, who said directly, that death penalty and execution by shooting are awaiting for Olga Karach if she gets into the hands of the Belarusian regime.

In October 2022, one of the largest Belarusian propaganda channels ‘Yellow Plums’ declared the director of the Belarusian human rights organisation ‘Our House’ Olga Karach ‘an agent of Polish intelligence’. And on the grounds that… ‘Our House’ together with the German human rights organisation brought a truck of humanitarian aid to Krakow (Poland) to help Belarusian and Ukrainian refugees in Poland.

On May 11, 2023, the main propagandist newspaper of Aliaksandr Lukashenka, Belarus Today, (former Sovetskaya Belorussiya), published an article “Attitude to Zmahars-Freeloaders in Neighbor Countries Getting Worse and Worse. Who is going to feed the unbelievable?”. Belarusian propagandists got infuriated by the successful work of Our House with the Belarusian refugees in Lithuania, which, among other things, included providing free food to Belarusians in exile in partnership with Maisto Bankas and humanitarian aid delivered by the German human rights organization.

On May 29, 2023, the main propagandist newspaper of Aliaksandr Lukashenka, Belarus Today, (former Sovetskaya Belorussiya), published the article “Lie about “Stolen” Children. Where Does It Come From?”, authored by a notorious Belarusian propagandist, Lyudmila Hladkaya, who was infuriated by the fact, that Our House and Olga Karach were the first to raise the issue of forceful displacement of Ukrainian children to Belarus. She did not hesitate to call Our House and all our supporters “neofascists”, “Nazis”, “swindlers”, “fugitives”, “criminals”, “traitors with Belarusian passports for now”.

On 30 August 2023, Belarusian propaganda released a film about detained analyst Andrei Porotnikov, entitled ‘A history of a traitor. Porotnikov. Special operation of the KGB counterintelligence of Belarus. Investigation film ONT.’ In the film about analyst Andrei Porotnikov, Olga Karach was unexpectedly accused of having created and financed the Regiment ‘Terror’ – a unit of Belarusian volunteers fighting for Ukraine, most of them (ultra) right-wing, many of them coming from the famous ‘Azov’. In general, the ‘Terror’ battalion and Olga Karach, to put it very diplomatically, are extremely wary of each other and do not hide it including in public discussions in absentia.

Soon Belarusian propagandists will scare small children with the name of Belarusian human rights defender Olga Karach.