On May 11, 2023, the main propaganda newspaper of Alexander Lukashenko, “Belarus Today” (formerly known as “Sovetskaya Belorussiya”), published an article featuring caricatures of Olga Karach. The article, titled “Deteriorating Attitude Towards Dissidents-Freeloaders in Neighboring Countries: Who Will Feed the Incredible One?” was authored by Alena Kasperovich-Krasovskaya, a notorious provocateur and former nurse who had worked in a correctional facility. The propagandists were outraged by the successful efforts of Our House in assisting Belarusian refugees in Lithuania, including the provision of free food from Maisto bankas and the distribution of humanitarian aid received from the German organization IGFM.
The propagandist was infuriated by Our House’s efforts to assist Belarusian refugees in Lithuania. However, we take pride in the fact that even “Belarus Today” acknowledges our work and closely monitors our activities.
Indeed, we strive to help Belarusians who are forced to flee from the Belarusian regime, and we are deeply proud of our work.
Indeed, we realize the profound impact of our help on the lives of numerous Belarusians in Lithuania and beyond, for whom the situation would be extremely challenging without our support.
Indeed, we understand that we are performing exceptionally well.
Yes, we will expand the scale of our aid as much as our resources allow. And not only for Belarusians but also for Ukrainians as well.

The central focus of the caricature is Olga Karach in red holding a poster “Send clothes to Lithuania”