Belarusians caught on any minor drug-related offence get the most severe penalties. Sometimes you can get a shorter sentence for murder than for possession of marijuana. Even before the trial, the accused goes through...
Three months ago, 50-year-old political prisoner Vitold Ashurok died in the penal colony No. 17 in Shklov. The official reason was a heart attack, but when his relatives received his body for burial, they...
On August 19, 2021, the Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zanda Kalnina-Lukashevica, met with the head of the ICCI “Our House”, journalist and civil activist Olga Karach. The head of the...
On June 30, 2021, the German Embassy in Minsk received a request from the Belarusian Foreign Ministry to stop the activities of the Goethe Institute and the organization DAAD within four weeks. The reference...
Childhood is the smell of ripe apples, fresh milk and drying hay. Games with friends from morning to evening. Chalk-stained palms, pride in getting the best mark in your favourite subject. The first strong...
On August 12, the head of the ICСI “Our House” Olga Karach and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Lithuania Shiro Yamasaki met. First of all, Olga Karach thanked Japan for the...
On August 9, 2021, journalists of the Austrian ORF TV channel disappeared in Minsk. Despite all the assurances of the police and state propaganda that this was not true, the representative of the Ministry...
The state press writes that it is a paradise here: walks, a library, a video library with modern movies, and twice a year family visits are allowed. However, in early August, a terrible letter...
Since the beginning of August 2020, hundreds of Belarusians have received huge fines and sentences for offensive comments on social media against police officers, government officials and the illegitimate president. We talked about some...
On August 4, the online conference of the Global Summit of Peacekeepers was held. Organizations working in countries with military conflicts or after-conflict situations joined the summit. Belarus was also represented among the organizations...
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