In total, from August to December 2020, hundreds of minors and their parents were detained and brought to administrative and criminal liability. As of September 11, 2020, the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic...
Gunko Gleb Yurievich, born on February 25, 2004 Galko Jan-Christian, born on 23.11.2002 Both were sitting on a bench near the railway ticket office, about 50 meters away, drinking water. They have been detained....
We receive documents from Belarussian state bodies based on which we see that a wide repressive campaign has been launched against the protesters with underage children. Scans and translations of documents are attached below....
On August 10, 2020, in Minsk, near the Bobruisk public garden, two teenagers were detained: Y, 16 years old and G, 17 years old. The law enforcement officers, most likely the police, did not...
The below requirements were set by a group of mothers of the convicts who were sentenced under article 328 of the Belarusian Criminal Code and were minors at the time of detention. The “Children-328”...
After two decades of human rights activism I thought very few things occurring in the court room could actually surprise me. I was proved to be wrong. Court decision on the case of Ms....
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