NEW. A success story of Our House
activists succeeded in getting permission to record on video personal receptions/meetings by the members of the Belarussian Parliament
activists succeeded in getting permission to record on video personal receptions/meetings by the members of the Belarussian Parliament
We would like to share a good news: we managed to wrest a teenager from prison and gift him 8-10 years of freedom!
In 2016 and 2019, two young men with long sentences under the “drug article” of the Criminal Code committed suicides in Belarusian correctional facilities. Before their deaths, the prisoners managed to tell about abuses...
We decided sometimes to talk about our daily routine work, which is invisible, but, nevertheless, important for making a difference in Belarus
as a part of the State ideology of Belarus
Background Belarus is the only country in Europe and of the former Soviet Republics which has not signed the European Charter of Local Self-Government. Belarus’s local government is arranged in three hierarchical tiers: a)...
(January 3, 2017 – April 30, 2017) Outcomes and achievements of activities in Gomel In 2015, Our House has come up with 10 requirements that the Belarusian deputies are expected to meet, including providing...
Váženy pane! Obracíme se na Vás s prosbou o podporu a vyjádření solidarity s běloruskými ženami, které byly zatčeny v Bělorusku během poklidných demonstrací dne 25. března 2017. Dne 25. března Bělorusové slaví historický...
Många fredliga aktioner har pågåt i Vitryssland 25 mars 2017, som var hängivna för en historisk fest i Vitryssland som kallas för Frihetsdagen. Sådana aktioner var blivit brutalt skingrade och fredliga demonstranter blev misshandlade...
On the 25th of March 2017 a number of cities and towns of Belarus held peaceful manifestation to mark a historic event – the creation on that date in 1918 of the Belarusian People’s...