May 12, Olga Karach sent letters to the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Federal Chancellery and the Ministry of Justice of the country. In her messages to the heads...
Several public opinion polls were held in protest Telegram channels this weekend. Participants were asked to choose which of the well-known democratic leaders they trusted. According to at least two polls, most people believe...
The illegitimate president boasts that 76 years ago the USSR (and hence Belarus) won the Second World War. The horrors of those years constantly live with Belarusians – from school they tell us about...
Wednesday morning it became known that on the initiative of the Belarusan diaspora in Germany four German lawyers applied to the Federal Prosecutor’s Office in Karlsruhe (Germany) with the statement about the torture of...
Those who claim that the belarussians came to terms with the regime of the usurper Lukashenka or returned to their peaceful existence in Belarus are either deeply mistaken or they aim to mislead others....
On April 21 in Boris Nemtsov square in Vilnius, solidarity action with the Russian politician and political prisoner Alexei Navalny took place. Olga Karach attended the event, organized by activists of Belarus and Russia....
Almost from the beginning of its activity, «Our House» educates and entertains Belarusians with its books. The Google Books account of «Our House» has editions for adults and children, colouring books, anecdotes, memos, and...
The environmental problem is familiar to the whole world, including Belarus. It would seem that our country is small and clean, but factories emit toxic substances and pollute rivers. Also, the BelNPP, about which...
The topic of the conversation was the problem of torture and modern slavery in places of detention in Belarus. Lithuanian public figure Valdas Bartkevicius and representative of the Belarusian yard initiatives Oleg Moiseyev also...
The State List of Historical and Cultural Values of Belarus includes 5585 objects. In particular, there are unique monuments of architecture, history, archaeology and urban planning. In every region of the country, there are...
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