On October 16, 2022, another truck with humanitarian deliveries from the German human rights organization IGFM arrived to Vilnius. Belarusians and Ukrainians in need received all the necessities: cloths, bed linens, furniture, and so on.

Unfortunately, the repression in Belarus continues, forcing more and more Belarusian citizens to flee their motherland and take refuge from persecution in Lithuania. Also, the number of Ukrainian refugees unable to return home due to the war, is not decreasing.
People are escaping to a foreign country with a drastically small number of personal belongings and items, they cannot take even enough clothes, leave alone bed linen, table wear and household appliances. They have to buy absolutely everything from zero, and not every refugee can afford that. Therefore, such crucial support with humanitarian deliveries is greatly needed, and the refugees are really grateful for it.

The humanitarian deposit of Our House is open for every refugee who needs help. As of today, since last year, IGFM have sent over 100 tons of humanitarian deliveries, and the volunteers of Our House have distributed it among Ukrainian and Belarusian refugees. This time, the truck was accompanied by representatives of our German partners, who talked to the refugees and learned about their problems.
We express our deepest gratitude to IGFM for their constant support of Belarusian and Ukrainian refugees in Lithuania.