Child protection is declared as one of the priority areas of social policy in Belarus. However, in reality we are constantly facing cases of torture, cruel and unfair treatment of minors directly by the...
On August 10, 2020, in Minsk, near the Bobruisk public garden, two teenagers were detained: Y, 16 years old and G, 17 years old. The law enforcement officers, most likely the police, did not...
Expert opinion on violations of juvenile rights KOROTKEVICH GRIGORY VIKTOROVICH (17 years old at the time of arrest, Mogilev) Date of birth 11.17.1998 Chapter 1. Brief description: On February 9, 2016, on...
Kupchenya Valeria Andreevna, Born 3/1/2001 Minor age (17 years old at the time of arrest) Convicted on 9/4/2018 under part 4 of article 328 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus for...
In 6 months (March-August 2020), there was a rapid growth increase of popularity of “Our House”: the coverage of the online audience is more than 10 million users, 80% of those are users from...
On July 27, 2020, the Directorate – General of the Commander of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus invited a bid for the restoration of 290 stun guns...
We would like to present a photo compilation of the use of violence, including physical violence, by the power structures of Belarus at the peaceful demonstrations on August 9, 2020 Violent clashes of the...
“Our House” calls on European and American politicians, diplomatic structures of the European Union and the United States, not to pardon at any cost the blood of peaceful Belarusian citizens and to respond to...
We would like to present a photo compilation of the use of violence, including physical violence, by the power structures of Belarus at the peaceful demonstrations of the joint headquarters in Belarus. You can...
On June 20, 2020, President of Belarus Aleksander Lukashenko personally signed Decree No. 227, which granted GardService LLC the right to provide security services with the right to use weapons. This private security organization...
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