Brutal mass repressions against women in Belarus
On the 25th of March 2017 a number of cities and towns of Belarus held peaceful manifestation to mark a historic event – the creation on that date in 1918 of the Belarusian People’s...
On the 25th of March 2017 a number of cities and towns of Belarus held peaceful manifestation to mark a historic event – the creation on that date in 1918 of the Belarusian People’s...
United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
First episode of our cartoon premiere is about Belarus’s debts, both internal and external ones. (Now with English subtitles) Should children of Belarus know about the unpleasant reality of the life in their country?...
Central Gomel is turning into a prison cell with its all-around stone and the green nowhere to be seen. Instead of compensative planting of greenery city promotes its new point on interest: mini-‘deserts’. One...
The Belarusian authorities took it into their heads to organise a grand event named ‘The All Belarusian People’s Assembly’ on a day that is considered to be one of the most tragic days in...
A politician Mr. Viacheslav Sivchik has to attend a court room so often as if it is his full time job. Suits against him seem to multiply and his involvement with the judicial system...
The dead do not complain; it is the living – the carrier of the memory of the beloved ones – who get depressed by the condition of the grungy grave-yards. An activist of “Our...
In the very end of May the first ecological flashmob took place in Gomel. During the flashmob activists marked young trees that were to be cut down with black ribbons as a sign of...
In 2015 Our House formulated ten simple demands regarding improvements in their work with the electorate. For about a year, in 2015...
It has been one million minutes that the YouTube channel of “Our House” was viewed since it was established in 2010. This means that viewers spent a little bit over two years watching our...