We have already written about how drug dealers lure children and adolescents into their networks – offer them fabulous sums of money for an otherwise dull job. The easiest way is to buy orphans,...
On 24 March, a 47-year-old translator, Olga Kalatskaya, was put on trial for slapping twice the odious STV state TV channel employee Grigory Azarenok in November. The verdict turned out to be quite harsh...
Another surprise was thrown by the state to the relatives of prisoners serving their sentences in penal colonies in Belarus. Those who came to see their loved ones were very unpleasantly surprised, because the...
Six-year-old Kostya from Radoshkovichi educational and pedagogical complex kindergarten-secondary school dreamed of holding a real weapon and riding a special car. His dream came true during the New Year holidays. The Minsk riot police...
In the summer of 2018, the country was shaken by an unusual incident – a two-month-old boy from the Gantsevichi region was vaccinated with Eupent vaccine, which was produced by a South Korean pharmaceutical...
Olga Zolotar became known in Belarus in August 2020 thanks to her volunteering near the temporary detention center on Akrestsina. In March, a resident of the agro-town Zhdanovichi, Minsk district, was recalled again –...
On election day, protests broke out in the regional center of the Brest region, as in many other cities. The procession of locals marched through the main streets with slogans and stopped at the...
We have often written about how prisoners behind bars become disenfranchised. However, even after returning from prison, not all of them are able to get on in life. Firstly, the authorities take everything out...
The student community has always been the engine of protest and actively supported changes. Belarus was not the exception – there were the students who joined the fight against the Lukashenko regime since August....
Students, journalists, female leaders, volunteers, human rights activists, and those who simply care, who at some point did not pass by and were caught up in the millstone of repression. The authorities have failed...
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