Sanctions: from freezing – to lifting
This report of “Our House” aims to examine the impact of the economic sanctions of Europe and the United States on the economy of Belarus and, in particular, on the economic situation of women...
This report of “Our House” aims to examine the impact of the economic sanctions of Europe and the United States on the economy of Belarus and, in particular, on the economic situation of women...
Introduction The right to life Right to security of person Right to religious freedom Rights to the inviolability of the home Right to live in the family Rights of the child living apart from...
Analyze of National Action Plan of Belarus for 2017 – 2021 to improve the situation of children and to protect their rights Introduction Chapter 1. The realization of children’s right to live and be...
Alexander Lukashenko has been in power for twenty-three years. And during this whole time, I have heard different people say that, at some point, there will a ‘successor’, to whom Alexander Lukashenko will voluntarily...
The Rights to Motherhood and Family of Women with Disabilities and Illnesses Part 2: In Practice Introduction Practise: Falling Through the Cracks Cases Olesia Sadovskaya (Molodechno) Natalia Mikhodyuk (Orsha) Marina Svetlova-Lebedeva (Vitebsk) Ruslan Guseinov...
The Rights to Motherhood and Family of Women with Disabilities and Illnesses Part 1: Policy and Legislation Executive Summary Background Analysis: Policy and Legislation Next steps Sources of information Executive Summary This report is...
Repressions against female participants of the mass protests in Belarus in February-March 2017 Introduction The Story in Numbers General Observations Repressions and ‘Pacification’ Strategies Next steps Sources of information Introduction Unprecedented events happened in...
In the course of 2016, relationships between Moscow and Minsk were getting progressively worse. As a result by the end of the year, the tension became so pronounced that the Belarusian pro-government experts were...
2016 metais Minsko ir Maskvos santykiai nuolat ėjo blogyn, tarp dviejų valstybių didėjo įtampa. Minsko valdžią toleruojantys ekspertai net prabylo, kad Rusija rezga planus pulti „sąjunginės valstybės“ narę Baltarusiją 2017 metų rugsėjį, per karines...
Dangerous tendencies in the situation with women’s and children’s rights in Belarus Introduction Currently, the situation around the rights of women and children is progressively becoming worth. We have spotted the dangerous tendencies already...