The outbreak of war in Ukraine has given a new impetus to the Belarusan protest. The Belarusians continue expressing their discontent with the presence of Russian troops in the country and the attack on...
According to the Chattam House poll, only 3 per cent of Belarusians support the war with Ukraine. Among the remaining 97%, many try to show that Belarusians are peaceful people who do not want...
“Our House” continues to prove that Belarusians are different from Lukashenko and do not consider the whole world, except for Russia, their enemies. The previous week in “Our House” has been, as usual, full...
A meeting with Joachim Rodenkirch, mayor of Wittlich in Rhineland-Palatinate, was held on 12 April. It was attended by human rights activists from several countries: Germany, Lithuania and Belarus. The main topics of the...
Quite a few brave Belarusians have expressed a desire to defend Ukraine with weapons in their hands and have signed up for the Kastus Kalinouski Battalion. They are the guys repressed by Lukashenko’s regime,...
Belarusians are trying to show their anti-war stance and support Ukrainians. Many of them purposely did not leave Ukraine during the war to continue fighting the common enemy of our countries – Putin. And...
Illegitimate authorities continue destroying people who disagree with the illegal actions of the regime. On the day of the constitutional referendum on February 27, more than 800 people were detained, who went through humiliation...
Sport has always been a special occasion for the regime to show its superiority in different spheres. After 2020, there was more politics in our victories at the Olympics and tournaments, but honest athletes...
After the start of the war in Ukraine, many international companies started to leave Russia as an aggressor country ignoring human rights. The same, albeit not to the same extent, awaited Belarus, as the...
The war in Ukraine is also affecting Belarus, although the illegitimate dictator keeps claiming our country is not taking part in it. Albeit not to the same extent as Russia, Belarus has felt the...
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