People with various diseases are almost constantly in Belarusian prisons. Prisoners with tuberculosis live in the penal colony No. 12 in Orsha. Alexey Romanov, a political prisoner with cancer, was sent to Glubokoye penal...
This disease is relatively young – the first AIDS case was in the USA in 1981. Two years later, the singer Klaus Nomi died of it. And a year later, the French philosopher and...
The state propaganda boasts about the success of Belarusian medicine almost every day. The other day, the media wrote that the average salary of doctors has increased to 2,300 rubles (794 euros). However, this...
The problem of violence against women is significant: one out of three women and girls in the world experiences physical or sexual violence at least once in their lives, most often by an intimate...
Every year Lukashenka calls on Belarusians to give birth. In August 2018, he offered to give birth to three or four children. In 2019, the dictator said that every third child born to a...
Currently, 110 women recognized as political prisoners are in custody. Dozens more (and maybe hundreds) are serving administrative arrests in prisons or are under suspicion in criminal cases. Here they face daily violations of...
One of the most popular ways of pressure after the election was dismissal from work. Hundreds of Belarusians lost their income because they spoke out against Lukashenka. Someone left by himself, someone was asked...
The infringement of the rights of Belarusian women does not stop for a minute. After the 2020 elections, hundreds of Belarusian women were dismissed for political reasons, unfairly fined and convicted, women’s non-governmental organizations...
We would like to present you stories of 89 Belarusian women – political prisoners, that according to us receive too little international attention. 45 women from this list have already been convicted to imprisonment,...
In Belarus, domestic tyrants have carte blanche from the state. The government system allows a man to stay free after beating and torturing his wife until he kills her. At the same time, for...
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